DISCLAIMER: This data is not intended for use in real world aviation and is based on the data present in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 .
Note: Please take note that the URL to this page has been changed to https://egen.easternhops.com

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History (Most Recent Hops Searched - Click to view):


KBOI (Boise Air Terminal/Gowen Field in Boise, Idaho United States)
U98 (Idaho City US Forest Service Airport in Idaho City, Idaho United States) No Parking/Gates!
52U (Weatherby US Forest Service Airport in Atlanta, Idaho United States) No Parking/Gates!
ID88 (Tracy Ranch Airport in Hill City, Idaho United States) No Parking/Gates!
55H (Atlanta Airport in Atlanta, Idaho United States) No Parking/Gates!
U87 (Smiley Creek Airport in Ketchum, Idaho United States) No Parking/Gates!
U45 (Graham US Forest Service Airport in Atlanta, Idaho United States) No Parking/Gates!
2U7 (Stanley Airport in Stanley, Idaho United States)
U63 (Bruce Meadows Airport in Stanley, Idaho United States) No Parking/Gates!
U72 (Upper Loon Creek US Forest Service Airport in Challis, Idaho United States) No Parking/Gates!
02ID (Morgan Ranch Airport in Cascade, Idaho United States)
ID86 (Deadwood Dam Airstrip in Cascade, Idaho United States) No Parking/Gates!
ID35 (High Valley Airport in Cascade, Idaho United States) No Parking/Gates!
22ID (Treasure Gulch Airport in Placerville, Idaho United States)
ID92 (Foster Field - Dzone Skydiving Airport in Star, Idaho United States) No Parking/Gates!
ID40 (Sunrise Skypark Airport in Marsing, Idaho United States)

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Airport Codes:

STARTING AIRPORT "Boise Air Terminal/Gowen Field / KBOI"


Boise Air Terminal/Gowen Field (KBOI)
Automatic Terminal Information Service:123.900 Mhz
Unicom:122.950 Mhz
Elevation:2846 FT

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
10R 115 9762 x 150 Asphalt ILS RW10R IBOI 111.100 115 Open
28L 295 9762 x 150 Asphalt Open
10L 115 9972 x 150 Asphalt Open
28R 295 9972 x 150 Asphalt ILS RW28R IAAD 110.150 295 Open


Idaho City US Forest Service Airport (U98)
Elevation:3920 FT

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
22 233 3748 x 74 Dirt Open
04 53 3748 x 74 Dirt Open


Weatherby US Forest Service Airport (52U)
Common Traffic Advisory Frequency:122.900 Mhz
Elevation:4498 FT

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
03 52 2293 x 64 Grass Open
21 232 2293 x 64 Grass Open


Tracy Ranch Airport (ID88)
Elevation:5071 FT

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
09 107 3234 x 132 Grass Open
27 287 3234 x 132 Grass Open


Atlanta Airport (55H)
Common Traffic Advisory Frequency:122.900 Mhz
Elevation:5500 FT

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
16 172 2493 x 52 Dirt Open
34 352 2493 x 52 Dirt Open


Smiley Creek Airport (U87)
Elevation:7206 FT

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
32 335 5032 x 82 Grass Open
14 155 5032 x 82 Grass Open


Graham US Forest Service Airport (U45)
Elevation:5726 FT

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
18 195 2983 x 50 Dirt Open
36 15 2983 x 50 Dirt Open


Stanley Airport (2U7)
Common Traffic Advisory Frequency:122.900 Mhz
Elevation:6399 FT

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
17 192 4298 x 128 Dirt Open
35 12 4298 x 128 Dirt Open


Bruce Meadows Airport (U63)
Elevation:6370 FT

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
23 245 5082 x 105 Grass Open
05 65 5082 x 105 Grass Open


Upper Loon Creek US Forest Service Airport (U72)
Elevation:5500 FT

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
04 51 2193 x 31 Dirt Open
22 231 2193 x 31 Dirt Open


Morgan Ranch Airport (02ID)
Elevation:5634 FT

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
36 16 2714 x 82 Dirt Open
18 196 2714 x 82 Dirt Open


Deadwood Dam Airstrip (ID86)
Elevation:5489 FT

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
25 261 1450 x 41 Dirt Closed
07 81 1450 x 41 Dirt Closed


High Valley Airport (ID35)
Elevation:4883 FT

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
01 25 2079 x 32 Dirt Open
19 205 2079 x 32 Dirt Open


Treasure Gulch Airport (22ID)
Elevation:4350 FT

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
02 38 1364 x 50 Dirt Open
20 218 1364 x 50 Dirt Open


Foster Field - Dzone Skydiving Airport (ID92)
Unicom:122.900 Mhz
Elevation:2650 FT

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
24 250 3630 x 66 Asphalt Open
06 70 3630 x 66 Asphalt Open


Sunrise Skypark Airport (ID40)
Elevation:2240 FT

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
30 317 2753 x 38 Bituminous Open
12 137 2753 x 38 Bituminous Open


Leg 1 - KBOI - U98 - (22nm) [IN SMARTCARS]
Leg 2 - U98 - 52U - (22nm) [IN SMARTCARS]
Leg 3 - 52U - ID88 - (34nm) [IN SMARTCARS]
Leg 4 - ID88 - 55H - (32nm) [IN SMARTCARS]
Leg 5 - 55H - U87 - (16nm) [IN SMARTCARS]
Leg 6 - U87 - U45 - (21nm) [IN SMARTCARS]
Leg 7 - U45 - 2U7 - (21nm) [IN SMARTCARS]
Leg 8 - 2U7 - U63 - (21nm) [IN SMARTCARS]
Leg 9 - U63 - U72 - (24nm) [IN SMARTCARS]
Leg 10 - U72 - 02ID - (21nm) [IN SMARTCARS]
Leg 11 - 02ID - ID86 - (21nm) [IN SMARTCARS]
Leg 12 - ID86 - ID35 - (22nm) [IN SMARTCARS]
Leg 13 - ID35 - 22ID - (20nm) [IN SMARTCARS]
Leg 14 - 22ID - ID92 - (28nm) [IN SMARTCARS]
Leg 15 - ID92 - ID40 - (20nm) [IN SMARTCARS]