DISCLAIMER: This data is not intended for use in real world aviation and is based on the data present in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 .
Note: Please take note that the URL to this page has been changed to https://egen.easternhops.com

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History (Most Recent Hops Searched - Click to view):


VYPA (Hpa-N Airport in Hpa-N, Kayin State Myanmar)
VYMM (Mawlamyine Airport in Mawlamyine, Mon State Myanmar)
VTPM (Mae Sot Airport in , Tak Province Thailand)
VTPY (Khunan Phumipol Airport in , Tak Province Thailand)
VTPT (Tak Airport in , Tak Province Thailand)
VTPO (Sukhothai Airport in , Sukhothai Province Thailand)
VTPU (Uttaradit Airport in Uttaradit, Uttaradit Province Thailand)
VTCP (Phrae Airport in , Phrae Province Thailand)
VTCL (Lampang Airport in , Lampang Province Thailand)
VTCC (Chiang Mai International Airport in Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai Province Thailand)
VTCI (Pai Airport in Pai, Mae Hong Son Province Thailand)
VTCH (Mae Hong Son Airport in , Mae Hong Son Province Thailand)
VYLK (Loikaw Airport in Loikaw, Kayah State Myanmar)
VYNT (Namtu Airport in Namtu, Shan State Myanmar)
VYTO (Taungoo Airport in Taungoo, Bago Region Myanmar)
VYPY (Pyay Airport in Pye, Bago Region Myanmar)

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Click button to download a .PLN file of these hops.

Airport Codes:



Hpa-N Airport (VYPA)
Elevation:41 FT
Airport Location:Hpa-N, Kayin State Myanmar  (N16° 53' 38.29",E97° 40' 30.12")  [Google Maps]
Airport Information:[Skyvector]  [Airnav]

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
03 31 4741 x 95 Asphalt Open
21 211 4741 x 95 Asphalt Open


Mawlamyine Airport (VYMM)
Elevation:60 FT
Airport Location:Mawlamyine, Mon State Myanmar  (N16° 26' 41.47",E97° 39' 39.01")  [Google Maps]
Airport Information:[Skyvector]  [Airnav]

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
04 35 5300 x 143 Asphalt Open
22 215 5300 x 143 Asphalt Open


Mae Sot Airport (VTPM)
Elevation:683 FT
Airport Location:, Tak Province Thailand  (N16° 41' 59.40",E98° 32' 36.53")  [Google Maps]
Airport Information:[Skyvector]  [Airnav]

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
09 89 4915 x 94 Asphalt Open
27 269 4915 x 94 Asphalt Open


Khunan Phumipol Airport (VTPY)
Elevation:492 FT
Airport Location:, Tak Province Thailand  (N17° 14' 0.00",E99° 3' 0.01")  [Google Maps]
Airport Information:[Skyvector]  [Airnav]

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
05 47 4282 x 90 Asphalt Open
23 227 4282 x 90 Asphalt Open


Tak Airport (VTPT)
Elevation:473 FT
Airport Location:, Tak Province Thailand  (N16° 53' 45.55",E99° 15' 13.43")  [Google Maps]
Airport Information:[Skyvector]  [Airnav]

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
09 90 4915 x 92 Asphalt Open
27 270 4915 x 92 Asphalt Open


Sukhothai Airport (VTPO)
Elevation:179 FT
Airport Location:, Sukhothai Province Thailand  (N17° 14' 16.00",E99° 49' 6.01")  [Google Maps]
Airport Information:[Skyvector]  [Airnav]

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
36 1 6885 x 144 Asphalt ILS RW36 ISKT 109.500 1 Open
18 181 6885 x 144 Asphalt Open


Uttaradit Airport (VTPU)
Elevation:262 FT
Airport Location:Uttaradit, Uttaradit Province Thailand  (N17° 40' 18.00",E100° 14' 16.99")  [Google Maps]
Airport Information:[Skyvector]  [Airnav]

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
23 230 4816 x 78 Asphalt Open
05 50 4816 x 78 Asphalt Open


Phrae Airport (VTCP)
Elevation:536 FT
Airport Location:, Phrae Province Thailand  (N18° 7' 54.17",E100° 9' 52.63")  [Google Maps]
Airport Information:[Skyvector]  [Airnav]

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
19 186 4919 x 95 Asphalt Open
01 6 4919 x 95 Asphalt Open


Lampang Airport (VTCL)
Elevation:800 FT
Airport Location:, Lampang Province Thailand  (N18° 16' 19.62",E99° 30' 14.61")  [Google Maps]
Airport Information:[Skyvector]  [Airnav]

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
18 175 6493 x 95 Asphalt Open
36 355 6493 x 95 Asphalt ILS RW36 ILPN 109.700 355 Open


Chiang Mai International Airport (VTCC)
Automatic Terminal Information Service:127.200 Mhz
Elevation:1021 FT
Airport Location:Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai Province Thailand  (N18° 46' 17.00",E98° 57' 45.99")  [Google Maps]
Airport Information:[Skyvector]  [Airnav]

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
18 180 11149 x 141 Asphalt Open
36 0 11149 x 141 Asphalt ILS RW36 ICMA 109.900 0 Open


Pai Airport (VTCI)
Elevation:1676 FT
Airport Location:Pai, Mae Hong Son Province Thailand  (N19° 22' 19.23",E98° 26' 9.12")  [Google Maps]
Airport Information:[Skyvector]  [Airnav]

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
01 16 3009 x 53 Asphalt Open
19 196 3009 x 53 Asphalt Open


Mae Hong Son Airport (VTCH)
Elevation:897 FT
Airport Location:, Mae Hong Son Province Thailand  (N19° 18' 6.18",E97° 58' 30.19")  [Google Maps]
Airport Information:[Skyvector]  [Airnav]

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
11 108 6537 x 91 Asphalt Open
29 288 6537 x 91 Asphalt Open


Loikaw Airport (VYLK)
Elevation:2931 FT
Airport Location:Loikaw, Kayah State Myanmar  (N19° 41' 30.32",E97° 12' 53.57")  [Google Maps]
Airport Information:[Skyvector]  [Airnav]

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
01 4 5198 x 67 Asphalt Open
19 184 5198 x 67 Asphalt Open


Namtu Airport (VYNT)
Elevation:294 FT
Airport Location:Namtu, Shan State Myanmar  (N19° 37' 24.78",E96° 12' 3.59")  [Google Maps]
Airport Information:[Skyvector]  [Airnav]

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
16 157 11990 x 179 Asphalt ILS RW16 INPT 110.100 157 Open
34 337 11990 x 179 Asphalt Open


Taungoo Airport (VYTO)
Elevation:160 FT
Airport Location:Taungoo, Bago Region Myanmar  (N19° 1' 58.20",E96° 23' 49.21")  [Google Maps]
Airport Information:[Skyvector]  [Airnav]

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
18 180 11956 x 187 Asphalt Open
36 0 11956 x 187 Asphalt Open


Pyay Airport (VYPY)
Elevation:120 FT
Airport Location:Pye, Bago Region Myanmar  (N18° 49' 28.12",E95° 15' 57.62")  [Google Maps]
Airport Information:[Skyvector]  [Airnav]

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
25 245 4435 x 137 Asphalt Open
07 65 4435 x 137 Asphalt Open


Leg 1 - VYPA - VYMM - (27nm)
Leg 2 - VYMM - VTPM - (53nm)
Leg 3 - VTPM - VTPY - (43nm)
Leg 4 - VTPY - VTPT - (23nm)
Leg 5 - VTPT - VTPO - (38nm)
Leg 6 - VTPO - VTPU - (35nm)
Leg 7 - VTPU - VTCP - (28nm)
Leg 8 - VTCP - VTCL - (39nm)
Leg 9 - VTCL - VTCC - (43nm)
Leg 10 - VTCC - VTCI - (47nm)
Leg 11 - VTCI - VTCH - (26nm)
Leg 12 - VTCH - VYLK - (49nm)
Leg 13 - VYLK - VYNT - (57nm)
Leg 14 - VYNT - VYTO - (37nm)
Leg 15 - VYTO - VYPY - (65nm)