DISCLAIMER: This data is not intended for use in real world aviation and is based on the data present in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 .
Note: Please take note that the URL to this page has been changed to https://egen.easternhops.com

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History (Most Recent Hops Searched - Click to view):


SKBO (El Dorado International Airport in Bogota, Cundinamarca Department Colombia)
SKQU (Mariquita Airport in Mariquita, Tolima Department Colombia)
SKVL (Velásquez Airport in Puerto Boyacá, Boyacá Department Colombia)
SKCM (Cimitarra Airport in Cimitarra, Santander Department Colombia)
SKEJ (Yariguíes Airport in Barrancabermeja, Santander Department Colombia)
SKBG (Palonegro Airport in Bucaramanga, Santander Department Colombia)
SKLA (Málaga Regional Airport in Málaga, Santander Department Colombia)
SKSA (Los Colonizadores Airport in Saravena, Arauca Department Colombia)
SKTM (Gustavo Vargas Airport in Tame, Arauca Department Colombia)
SKQD (El Cairo Airport in Puerto Rondon, ) No Parking/Gates!
SKPZ (Paz De Ariporo Airport in Paz De Ariporo, Casanare Department Colombia)
SKTD (Trinidad Airport in Trinidad, Casanare Department Colombia) No Parking/Gates!
SKYP (El Yopal Airport in El Yopal, Casanare Department Colombia)
SKSO (Alberto Lleras Camargo Airport in Sogamoso, Boyacá Department Colombia)
SKTJ (Tunja Airport in Tunja, Boyacá Department Colombia)
SKGY (Guaymaral Airport in Chía, Bolívar Department Colombia)

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Airport Codes:

STARTING AIRPORT "El Dorado International Airport / SKBO"


El Dorado International Airport (SKBO)
Automatic Terminal Information Service:127.800 Mhz
Unicom:126.750 Mhz
Unicom:126.900 Mhz
Elevation:8356 FT

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
32R 307 12442 x 146 Asphalt Open
14L 127 12442 x 146 Asphalt ILS RW14L IEDR 111.300 127 Open
32L 307 12468 x 148 Asphalt Open
14R 127 12468 x 148 Asphalt ILS RW14R IADO 110.700 127 Open


Mariquita Airport (SKQU)
Unicom:126.900 Mhz
Elevation:1502 FT

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
01 2 5882 x 168 Asphalt Open
19 182 5882 x 168 Asphalt Open


Velásquez Airport (SKVL)
Elevation:566 FT

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
15 151 4884 x 52 Asphalt Open
33 331 4884 x 52 Asphalt Open


Cimitarra Airport (SKCM)
Elevation:735 FT

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
34 333 4861 x 56 Asphalt Open
16 153 4861 x 56 Asphalt Open


Yariguíes Airport (SKEJ)
Elevation:406 FT

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
04 31 5858 x 146 Asphalt Open
22 211 5858 x 146 Asphalt Open


Palonegro Airport (SKBG)
Automatic Terminal Information Service:127.750 Mhz
Elevation:3877 FT

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
17 160 7108 x 154 Asphalt Open
35 340 7108 x 154 Asphalt ILS RW35 IBGA 110.700 339 Open


Málaga Regional Airport (SKLA)
Elevation:7198 FT

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
15 150 3243 x 52 Asphalt Open
33 330 3243 x 52 Asphalt Open


Los Colonizadores Airport (SKSA)
Elevation:668 FT

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
34 331 3940 x 87 Bituminous Open
16 151 3940 x 87 Bituminous Open


Gustavo Vargas Airport (SKTM)
Elevation:1179 FT

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
25 239 6530 x 82 Asphalt Open
07 59 6530 x 82 Asphalt Open


El Cairo Airport (SKQD)
Elevation:470 FT

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
27 265 3250 x 82 Grass Open
09 85 3250 x 82 Grass Open


Paz De Ariporo Airport (SKPZ)
Elevation:900 FT

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
22 213 4924 x 68 Asphalt Open
04 33 4924 x 68 Asphalt Open


Trinidad Airport (SKTD)
Elevation:650 FT

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
05 45 3886 x 66 Dirt Open
23 225 3886 x 66 Dirt Open


El Yopal Airport (SKYP)
Unicom:126.800 Mhz
Elevation:1015 FT

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
05 45 7360 x 91 Asphalt ILS RW05 IEYP 110.900 44 Open
23 225 7360 x 91 Asphalt Open


Alberto Lleras Camargo Airport (SKSO)
Elevation:8155 FT

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
22 220 6157 x 79 Asphalt Open
04 40 6157 x 79 Asphalt Open


Tunja Airport (SKTJ)
Elevation:8940 FT

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
04 34 3587 x 56 Asphalt Open
22 214 3587 x 56 Asphalt Open


Guaymaral Airport (SKGY)
Unicom:129.300 Mhz
Unicom:129.550 Mhz
Elevation:8389 FT

Runway Hdg Length       Surface      ILS Name              ILS ID ILS Freq ILS Hdg Open/Closed
11 103 5631 x 62 Asphalt Open
29 283 5631 x 62 Asphalt Open


Leg 1 - SKBO - SKQU - (54nm)
Leg 2 - SKQU - SKVL - (50nm)
Leg 3 - SKVL - SKCM - (39nm)
Leg 4 - SKCM - SKEJ - (41nm)
Leg 5 - SKEJ - SKBG - (38nm)
Leg 6 - SKBG - SKLA - (37nm)
Leg 7 - SKLA - SKSA - (54nm)
Leg 8 - SKSA - SKTM - (31nm)
Leg 9 - SKTM - SKQD - (41nm)
Leg 10 - SKQD - SKPZ - (42nm)
Leg 11 - SKPZ - SKTD - (30nm)
Leg 12 - SKTD - SKYP - (44nm)
Leg 13 - SKYP - SKSO - (41nm)
Leg 14 - SKSO - SKTJ - (24nm)
Leg 15 - SKTJ - SKGY - (61nm)